Friday, June 26, 2009

To Do List #2: Start doing "To Do Lists" on time

We really have been lame on this "To Do List" section. Partly because we keep feeling like all we have to report is that we're working hard and waiting. And that's kind of boring. But we do have some pretty fun news to report today. Because this just happened:

Yes, you'll be able to find Junky Heirloom products in Kate's Paperie soon! We are SO excited. Kate's is one of those places that, as a paper enthusiast (not sure I could have come up with a more geeky title for that), is kind of a big one. We remember going into Kate's when we lived in New York and thinking, "Man, it would be so cool if we ever had something in here." And now we will! So, this is definitely a moment. And it's a much-needed boost of confidence as we keep working to get Junky Heirloom into all the other places we have loved and revered (we're coming for you, Anthropologie).

And, perhaps even more importantly to our husbands, we will not be packing this order by hand. We've learned our lesson.


  1. Ah! Oh, man. This is huge! A million congrats, you guys!

  2. Very cool! I clicked on Kate's Paperie and there's no link. I'll go google them, but it might be good to include one...


    PS. I just made a blog button out of your banner and put it on my website! Also, I added the junky heirloom button. They look good.

  3. Duh! Thanks for the reminder on the link. I think I need a long weekend...

    The buttons look great! We'll get with it and make some available here too. I like your initiative, though =).

  4. Yes. Thanks, Sue! The link is now live. :)

  5. Congrats you guys! That's huge!!!

  6. HOLY CRAP, FRIENDS. this is gigantic. congratulations!!!!!

  7. Congrats! I still love that SoHo store, so it's nothing short of awesome that you'll be included in their lines!

    Also, just caught the Design Sponge SLC guide by Amy. Nicely done! (Next time we home exchange, I'm totally just going to use this for our visitors.)
